In the radio room, we communicate with outside agencies like the Emergency 911 dispatchers, Utility Companies, other Fire Departments, etc. We also dispatch our own personnel from this point and keep track of all call-out records. *See
farther down the page.
Fire District of Metchosin Call-Out Area:
Our Fire Department covers a district that includes mainly rural farming land, but also includes:
A long stretch of 4 lane highway.
2 fishing marinas.
3 elementary schools and many child daycares.
1 college.
3 churches.
3 golf courses.
1 Prison and 1 Boy's camp.
A motorcycle club and mountain climb.
Several large parks, mountains and lakes.
1 children's summer camp and several resort/B&B's (bed and breakfasts')
Waterfront beaches.
DND (department of National Defence) munitions depot and training camp.
In addition we provide fire and first aid protection for the Becher bay band native reserve.
For more information on the District of Metchosin, and some History on the "Stinky Fish" Fire Dept., please see the About Metchosin page.
Suffice it to say, we don't on average have a very large yearly call volume, but we have dealt with all of the above areas in fire, MVA and/or first-aid call-outs at one time or another.
Firefighters can get called out to many very
strange situations, to read about some, try checking out our Strange Stories page, accessible through the Notice Board page.
Call-Out Records:
Our calls are divided up into four groups: Fire Calls, First-Aid/Rescue Calls, Other Calls and False Alarms. A description of the different types of calls are available at the bottom of this page.
$foo = include 'mvfdvrr.stxt';
echo $foo;
Description of types of calls:
Structure Fire -Any fire involving a house, building, barn, or any part thereof.
Chimney Fire -Any fire contained in a chimney or proximal attic area.
Bush/Grass Fire -Uncontrolled brush, forest, grass, or larger beach fires.
Illegal/Unsafe Burn -Small Illegal burns, beach fires or Dumpster type fires.
Vehicle Fire -Any fire involving a motor vehicle, from tractors to airplanes.
Hydro Call -Usually a downed wire or power pole, resulting in fire.